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As a Spiritual Life Coach I do my best to live by spiritual principles as much as I can. I believe in making miracles happen, and in helping my clients live happy, fulfilling lives. My practices don't follow any dogma and you don’t have to be religious to work with me – you just have to be open to deepening your connection with the nonphysical part of yourself, your soul.

Understanding yourself and the world around you from a spiritual perspective can help you lead a more meaningful life. You may discover that you have a profound purpose and that all of the events in your life have been perfectly orchestrated to bring you to just this moment, ready to take the next step on your journey toward your soul's expression.

Working together, we can reveal your soul's intention and help you clear out any energetic blocks to living the life that you were always meant to live. We can help you align with who you really are so that you can move into a better, brighter future.

Many clients come to me with questions about their lives and through intuitive readings I can guide them in discovering their own answers.  Other clients come to me for spiritual energy healings.  These sessions help clients clear their energetic space to help release any beliefs that are hindering them.

Whether you join me in spiritual coaching sessions, readings, or healings, my vision for you is that you receive an enthusiastic "hello" to your spirit, and that it guides you in remembering who you are.

Visit my Services page for prices.